I enrolled at Rhema Bible Training Center Zambia (RBTCZ) in 2018. The courses that made a great impact on my life were Search for Significance and Personal Growth and Development.
These courses helped me to take responsibility for my leadership. I blamed others when I failed or when situations did not go right. I learned the importance of equipping myself before developing others. This impacted my leadership at church and at home. I finally understood the value of leading by example.
Prior to Rhema, I always placed the ministry before family and this brought confusion in my home. My children stated that I loved ministry and church members more than them. They developed resentment for the church, God, and me until I learned it was God, family, and then the church (ministry). I made changes in my home and started seeing restoration and love in the family again. We continue being a happy and healthier family and are bonding in such an amazing way. I give glory to God for this transformation.